Hudson’s Beach Seawall Repairs

Scope of works

In Jan 2018 a large storm destroyed the timber seawall at Hudson’s Beach.  Land + Sea Civil were contracted by Auckland Council to investigate, design and repair the existing seawall.  It was clear that the drainage behind the wall had failed and was being undermined creating voids behind the wall.  The timber rail fixings had deteriorated, and the wave action managed to detach the rails from the post.  This resulted in the rails completely disappearing and behind the wall being washed out. Land + Sea Civil's solution had to be acted upon fast and comply with the existing Building and Resource Consents.  Land + Sea Civil installed new rails with stainless fixings, adding an additional 4 rails below the existing wall to prevent undermining and installing a far superior drainage system to suit coastal environments.  Import of backfill material was required to replace the eroded sections.  The work had to be carefully planned to minimise the impact to the coastal environment and minimise the risks to our staff.  This included planning around the tidal movements.  The Project was a success with the damaged public beach reserve being reinstated to its best.   


Auckland Council


February 2018


Hudson’s Beach



LSC Division


pic project hudsonsbeach