Company Policies

Land & Sea Civil recognises its moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for workers (including contractors and workers of contractors), clients and visitors and to minimise damage to the environment caused by our work activities

Our Values

  • To provide a positive workplace culture
  • The management of occupational health & safety, the environment and quality are an integral part of our business
  • To provide a safe and healthy working environment for the prevention of work-related injuries and ill health and strive towards our goal of zero harm
  • To reduce the environmental impact caused by our works to help ensure a healthy environment for current and future generations
  • Occupational health and safety, environmental protection and quality is everyone’s responsibility
  • To provide quality services that exceeds our customers’ expectations

Our Commitment

  • Establish, maintain and continually improve management systems to the requirements of Occupational Health and Safety (ISO45001), Environmental (ISO 14001) and Quality (ISO 9001)
  • Where possible eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S & Environmental risks as far as reasonably practicable.
  • Develop, implement, measure and review objectives and targets to ensure continual improvement of our occupational health, safety, environmental and quality performance, including the prevention of pollution.
  • Provide training and adequate information to workers on occupational health and safety, environmental and quality responsibilities, and the importance of their individual contributions to the business
  • Provide appropriate resources to enable maintenance and continuous improvement of the occupational health and safety, environmental and quality management systems
  • Monitor and review existing operations, minimising the risk of harm to workers and the environment • Consistently review plant, equipment and processes which will minimise hazards, their associated risks and the impact to the environment
  • Ensure we meet our compliance obligations and comply with all legal, regulatory, and statutory requirements, resource consents and approvals • Customer satisfaction is maintained
  • Customer requirements are determined, understood, and consistently achieved
  • Determine and address H&S, Quality and Environmental risk and opportunities that can affect the company’s performance
  • Assess our “Eco-footprint” and identify environmental impacts and move towards more sustainable practices
  • Use materials efficiently and manage waste materials effectively. • Recycle and conserve materials and byproducts where possible
  • Create opportunities for all workers to engage and actively participate in Health and safety, quality and environmental matters
  • Ensure that our operations do not unnecessarily endanger flora, fauna, sensitive areas or present concerns to members of the public and community.
  • Preserve waterways (clearly mark and protect storm water drains) • Up-skill and involve all staff in continual quality improvement initiatives
  • Provide information to all interested parties on our occupational health and safety, environmental and quality performance, and matters Land & Sea Civil recognises that providing a safe and healthy workplace, together with quality services and protection of the environment, is imperative to our overall business goals. We will strive towards eliminating harm from our workplace and to our environment.

Land & Sea Civil recognises that providing a safe and healthy workplace, together with quality services and protection of the environment, is imperative to our overall business goals. We will strive towards eliminating harm from our workplace and to our environment.

Various Other Company Policies

Click on the links below to view our individual Company Policies:

Health & Wellbeing Policy  |  Safety, Quality & Environment Policy  |  PPE Policy  |  Community Relations Policy  |  Drug & Alcohol Policy  |  Learning & Development Policy  |  Diversity Policy  |  Information Technology Policy